Updated Web Site and a May the Fourth Treat

I updated my web site recently. It really really needed to be changed. I had been using weebly for about a year, and I liked weebly. It was free, which is hard to beat, but it was lacking too much in the interface and options department so I went back to Virb. I added a B-Roll section of sketches and ridiculous drawings that I really liked creating. I'll also be adding a Star Wars section on May the Fourth featuring Stars Wars Episode IV: A New Hope told entirely through the daily drawings I put in Jake's lunchbox. 

Here's a preview from an actual lunch note. I'll digitally ink the web versions so you don't have to deal with folds and spots from that's day's lunch.

Okay. So check out the site: http://matusic.com. And tell your friends. And tell your agents. And come back early and often. And keep that May 4th date in the back of that big juicy brain of yours. And, and, and...




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