Illustration Friday: Stay

Man, I love Illustration Friday, but it usually slips my mind until Friday rolls around. But this week I remembered to sketch, scan and illustrate (Adobe Illustrator CS5 on an iMac) an entry for this wee's topic: "Stay". Let's hear it for small victories!

My first "Stay" thought was to draw a doggie. You know: "Stay!" "Sit!" "Heal!" "Get a job!" I decided instead to take the road less traveled and chose the title of a song that is definitely less listened to these days compared to my wild rumpus days known as the mid 1990s.

Stay was written and performed by Lisa Loeb. It was on the soundtrack to the highly over-rated 1994 movie, Reality Bites, which tried to appeal to the Generation X population that had come of age with the John Hughes' movies. Some bought into it, but I knew right away that Ben Stiller wasn't going define the person I was going to become. Still couldn't resist picking up the soundtrack though. The illustration is a scene (pretty much the only scene) from Loeb's video for the song. She sings to the camera. The cat jumps off the chair and runs off. Loeb continues singing, looking right at the viewer as if we're the one(s) leaving. It's like three minutes and three second of eye contact and guilt.

Sure Stay is a "chick" tune, but I've always been a fan of women singing to me (Tanya Donelly from Belly, Kim Deal from the Pixies/the Breeders, Amy Winehouse, Kristin Hersh from Throwing Muses, Suzanne Vega, yadda yadda yadda). And Loeb's nerdy kitty cat glasses certainly don't hurt. Meow!

Illustration Friday: Stay

Here's the video for those who don't remember, never knew or choose to forget:


kmmitchell said…
i do love me some lisa loeb. cool girl. cool song. ahh college. thanks for taking me back. nice image.
Matusic Ink. said…
Thank you so much! :)
sayamaya said…
I do love lisa loeb ^^

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